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8oz 16oz 20oz biologisk nedbrydelige tilpassede takeaway PE belagte dobbelt bølget væg papir mælkete kopper papir sauce kaffe kop med logo

For kvalitet- og miljøbevidste er vores 8oz, 16oz og 20oz biologisk nedbrydelige tilpassede take-out kopper svaret.

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  • Anbefalede produkter
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo factory
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo factory
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo manufacture
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo supplier
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo details
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo details
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo supplier
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo supplier
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo supplier
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo manufacture
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo manufacture
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo manufacture
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo manufacture
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo supplier
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo details
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo manufacture
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo details
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo factory
8oz 16oz 20oz Biodegradable Custom Take Out PE Coated Double Ripple Wall Paper Milk Tea Cups Paper Sauce Coffee Cup With Logo factory
Q1. Tilbyder I tilpassede emballageløsninger?
Ja, vi specialiserer os i at levere skræddersyede løsninger tilpasset dine specifikke krav. Vores team samarbejder med dig for at skabe emballage, der ikke kun indkapsler dit produkt fejlfrit, men også resonerer med dit brands æstetik og engagement for miljøet.
Q2. Hvad er minimumsordremængden?
Vores minimumsordremængde afhænger af det specifikke produkt, typisk mellem 5.000 og 20.000 stykker. For mere præcise oplysninger opfordrer vi dig til at kontakte vores salgsteam.
Q3. Er dineProduktersikre for direkte kontakt med mad?
Absolut, vores produkter er designet og testet for at sikre, at de er sikre til direkte kontakt med fødevarer. De er fri for skadelige kemikalier og overholder alle internationale standarder for fødevaresikkerhed.
Q4. Hvad er din standard leveringstid for ordrer?
Leveringstiden for ordrer afhænger i høj grad af ordre størrelsen, niveauet af tilpasning der kræves, og vores nuværende produktionskapacitet. Typisk spænder vores leveringstider fra 15 til 20 dage.
Q5. Kan jeg tilpasse emballagen med mit firmas logo og andre detaljer?
Selvfølgelig! Vi tilbyder skræddersyede trykkeritjenester, der gør det muligt for dig at inkludere dit logo, produktinformation, bortskaffelsesinstruktioner og andre væsentlige detaljer på vores emballage.

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